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Home :: Gundam Models :: 1/200 HCM Pro G Box Arios Gundam + GN Archer

1/200 HCM Pro G Box Arios Gundam + GN Archer

1/200 HCM Pro G Box Arios Gundam + GN Archer
What a perfect pair! This superb box set pairs up an ultra-poseable and transformable action figure of Allelujahs variable Mobile Suit, with a non-transformable model of the GN Archer of his lovely girlfriend Soma Peries (a.k.a. Marie Parfacy)!
SKU 956620
Weight 750.00 g
Product Notes The 9.6cm Arios Gundam can switch between its Mobile Suit and Mobile Armor modes & features flexible GN Beam Shields, which can be opened & used as a claw weapon when in Mobile Armor mode. Lots of guns & spare hands are also included in the set.
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
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