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Home :: Gundam Models :: Kyuubi 04

Kyuubi 04

Kyuubi 04
Look out for the heart snatching Youkai, Kyuubi! This is an easy to build snap-fit kit and requires no glue or paint! Included are stickers for Kyuubi's eyes, face markings, and even the "pretty boy" face he uses to disguise himself as a human!
SKU 990180
Weight 390.00 g
Product Notes The optional face can be worn like a mask on the side of his head. Parts come moulded in yellow, purple, off-white, and clear pink. Includes stickers.
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children.
Quantity Out of stock
1/100 Gundam Virtue 1/144 HG Gundam Legilis Ulitmagear Millenium Puzzle 30MS Optional Body Parts Arm and Leg Parts (White/Black) 1/100 Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft YAGR-N101
Figure-rise Standard Kamen Rider Skull 1/100 MG Gundam Epyon EW (Sturm und Drang) 1/24 Hexa Gear L.O.Z (Lord of Zoatex) Gundam Girls Generation GGG: Mirai Kamiki

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