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Home :: Miscellaneous Models :: 1/35 Lancelot Royal Coating Version

1/35 Lancelot Royal Coating Version

1/35 Lancelot Royal Coating Version
The plastic kit of Suzaku Kururugi's personal Knightmare Frame Lancelot from 2007 now receives a "royal coating" that has parts painted in a beautiful gold coat and dark color metallic finish!
SKU 953264
Weight 600.00 g
Product Notes Lancelot is nicely articulated through the use of polycap joints and comes armed with a pair of Maser Vibration Swords (inactive and active modes), a V.A.R.I.S. rifle, and two Slash Harkens that can be connected with the included wire cables to help send
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
1/100 MG Gundam AGE-1 Spallow 1/144 HG Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina 1/144 RG MSN-02 Zeong 1/144 HGUC RGM-96X Jesta Cannon 1/144 HG G-Self (Perfect Pack Equipment Type)
R909 Eureka Seven Terminus Type 1/100 RB01 Caution Decal - Pastel Mint 1/12 Custom Eye Decal 1-B (1 Sheet) Armour Musume LBCS: Achilles Mikazuki Karina

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