Home :: Miscellaneous Models :: Frame Arms Girl Gourai Kai Ver.2

Frame Arms Girl Gourai Kai Ver.2

Frame Arms Girl Gourai Kai Ver.2
Gourai Kai Ver. 2 gets a "Frame Arms Girls" model kit release! About 13.5cm tall after assembly, she features an improved range of motion in her hips, thighs and skirts, and a drawer joint has been added to her feet for improved pose-ability there as well. She also has three new facial expressions, medium and large "Thunderstorm" cannon parts for her chest, 5 sets of hands, decals for her eyes and markings, and much more!
Weight 1000.00 g
Product Notes As always, she features 3mm ports for accessories, weapons and armour, too
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
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