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Home :: Gundam Models :: 1/144 HGPG Petit'gguy Stray Black & Catcos

1/144 HGPG Petit'gguy Stray Black & Catcos

1/144 HGPG Petit'gguy Stray Black & Catcos
The lovable Petit'gguy is back with a new look! Stay Black includes the normal bear Petit'gguy parts, as well as optional ears, a tail and a mouth to dress him up like a cat!
SKU 12189
Weight 400.00 g
Product Notes A display stand and sticker sheet are also included.
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
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1/144 HGBF GM's Counterattack - GM / GM 1/144 HGCC Turn A Gundam HG Bracer Phoenix (Pacific Rim: Uprising) M.S.G Heavy Weapon Unit 20 Ryusogu Agito

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