Home :: Miscellaneous Models :: Misc :: Starwing Paradox XZM-011 Solidea

Starwing Paradox XZM-011 Solidea

Starwing Paradox XZM-011 Solidea
Solidea, the main mecha from Japan's high-speed mecha arcade game Starwing Paradox joins Kotobukiya's plastic model kit line! Solidea stays true to the character design, setting, and CG data used in-game—based on mecha designs by Ippei Gyoubu. The proportions of the mecha and detail in the build of this model kit represents the very essence of this character. The flexibility in the joints, the proportions of each part, the various additional weapons and effect parts all give this model kit the ability to be displayed in various action poses to replicate the world of Starwing Paradox.
SKU 95192982131
Weight 1100.00 g
Product Notes 7.08 inches when completed (18cm)
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock