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Home :: Gundam Models :: SD Sangoku Soketsuden 06 Dong Zhuo Providence Gundam

SD Sangoku Soketsuden 06 Dong Zhuo Providence Gundam

SD Sangoku Soketsuden 06 Dong Zhuo Providence Gundam
From the new SD Sangokuden series comes the Dong Zhuo Providence Gundam. The current Tyranical Lord of Luoyang. The colours of the iconic large "Shounetsutou" have been recreated and can be mounted onto the backpack.
SKU 249218912
Weight 400.00 g
Product Notes Other parts have been included to recreate its dinosaur form.
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Our price: £7.99
1/144 HG MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II Light Green Version 1/100 O Raiser Action Base 4 Black 1/100 MG Ball MS 08th Team Warunyan 14 (Baddinyan)
1/100 RE/100 Efreet Custom SD Guntank 1/144 30MM Option Armour for Commander Type (Alto Exclusive, Black) 1/144 HG Gundam Schwarzette

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