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Home :: Gundam Models :: 1/144 HGBD Gundam 00 Sky HWS (Trans-Am Infinity Mode)

1/144 HGBD Gundam 00 Sky HWS (Trans-Am Infinity Mode)

1/144 HGBD Gundam 00 Sky HWS (Trans-Am Infinity Mode)
Riku Mikami's Gundam 00 Sky HWS from "Gundam Build Divers" joins the HGBD kit line-up from Bandai! It's equipped with its arm pod and missile pods, and its full-armour form can also be reproduced. Foil stickers are provided for the markings, and a display base is included too!
SKU 55359
Weight 490.00 g
Product Notes While you could recreate the non Trans-Am version of the 00 Sky Heavy Weapon System by combining the original 00 Sky kit with the upcoming HWS & SV Custom Weapons Set, this kit combines them together and gives them a nice trans-am shine a couple months ea
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
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