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Home :: Miscellaneous Models :: HG Gilbow (Synduality)

HG Gilbow (Synduality)

HG Gilbow (Synduality)
The Gilbow from the upcoming TV anime "Synduality," exploring the theme of "passing" between humans and AI, is now part of Bandai's HG model-kit lineup! Piloted by the mysterious Black Mask, the Gilbow is equipped with its characteristic weapons and various gimmicks. The cockpit and coffin are modeled in detail, and equipped with slide and opening gimmicks; figures of Black Mask and Schnee are included. The Energy Impact Blade and Missile Pod on the arms can be deployed, and multiple axes of movement are built into its uniquely designed legs.
SKU 65441
Weight 650.00 g
Product Notes Parts to transform the legs to reproduce the hovering state are included too, and a display base and stickers are also included.
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Our price: £37.99
1/144 HG Gouf Ignited (Heine Westenfluss Custom) 1/100 MG MSA-003 Nemo LED Unit Green (2 piece set) 1/100 MG RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee 1/144 HG Hyakuren (Amida)
1/144 HGBF ZZII (Double Zeta 2) 1/144 HGPG Petit'gguy Stray Black & Catcos 1/144 HGBD Impulse Gundam Lancier SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Gundam Ground Type

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