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Home :: Miscellaneous Models :: Figure-rise Standard Amplified Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Figure-rise Standard Amplified Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Figure-rise Standard Amplified Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon, one of the most popular monsters in "Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters" has been turned into a Figure-rise Standard Amplified kit! A metallic blue color has been used for the molding to make the monster feel more epic, and its huge wings, each measuring about 265mm in length, are equipped with joint axes for posability. The wing membranes are made of soft material. Gradation printing is applied, allowing you to enjoy various color tone changes depending on the angle, posing, etc. The arm and leg joints are equipped with movable axes, so the unique outline of the dragon has been recreated while achieving a wide range of movement. The neck and tail are made from parts that are divided according to the joints and have built-in lead wires, allowing for movement that gives a sense of life. The form is maintained even when the figure is flexed or twisted.
SKU 65022
Weight 500.00 g
Product Notes Movable jaw and tongue on the head allow for expressions when posing. Two display joint parts are included to expand the range of poses.
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for childrenScale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
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1/144 HGUC Operation Capture of Jaburo: Type Amphibious 1/144 Petit'gguy Winning Yellow 1/144 HGBF Lightning Z Gundam Metal Build Aile Strike Gundam

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