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Home :: Gundam Models :: 1/144 HG Build Divers :: 1/144 HGBD Gundam 00 Sky (Higher Than Sky Phase)

1/144 HGBD Gundam 00 Sky (Higher Than Sky Phase)

1/144 HGBD Gundam 00 Sky (Higher Than Sky Phase)
Do you like the G-Self Perfect Pack or Destiny Gundam Extreme Blast? Why not both! The "Higher than Sky" phase variant of the Gundam 00 Sky is here as a standalone model kit release! It features an updated colour scheme and an entire runner of effect pats to recreate the "Wings of Light"-esque mode!
SKU 30836
Weight 490.00 g
Product Notes The rest of the kit remains the same as the original release, including the Buster Sword, Buster Rifle, Beam Rifle, two Beam Sabers, and interchangeable left hand!
Additional Product Notes Scale model kit, contains small parts, not suitable for children
Quantity Out of stock
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